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It is selling better the HD systems today for the exact same reason it was outselling them from day 1. MASS APPEAL.

360 and PS3 only appeal to the exact same, limited, audience that previous consoles sold too. Now PS2 had a very board audience, far beyond just the 'core' gamer which is why it sold so well and still does. The Wii is gaining the broad non-core PS2 market as well as creating all new markets with Wii Sports and Wii Fit.

360 and PS3 are limited to just the 'core' xbox/PS2 players although MS at least is attempting to broaden their base out more.

In short, if you weren't a gamer before there's little reason you'd ever buy a 360 at any price (except maybe GH/RB), but Wii Sports, Wii Fit or maybe Wii Music (plus GH/RB) might intice a non-gamer or lasped gamer to buy a Wii.