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While I think the article is overly harsh on LBP, it does bring up a few good points. This game was crazy-hyped, even so far as billboards placed through several metro areas around me. Sony spent a bundle on promoting this game, on top of Sony fanboys foaming at the mouth about it for well over a year.

With that said, 350k week one sales have to be a mild disappointment for Sony. Not terrible, but far from good and less than what they needed from the title.

Even Left4Dead sold over 250k week one, and that was produced by a no-name developer (later picked up by Valve), running the game on a 4 year old engine and received no mainstream advertising budget that I could see.

Shit, even Wii Music managed 280k in week one. Not that I'm comparing the two games, I'd rather shit in my hand and throw it at the TV over playing Wii Music, but it puts LBP's sales in perspective.

To boot, the game isn't showing legs of any kind. It's down to 100k sales this week. Sony might manage to turn a profit on the game, but it's not going to boost PS3 sales in any way. Things might turn around but I doubt it.

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