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elgefe02 said:
bugrimmar said:

So what happens when I'm 'invited' by my girlfriend to watch a totally lame, low budget ass chick movie, when I've my heart set on a Resistance 2 fragfest with some buddies?

First, I make excuses, like in this case, "I have to take my mom to the mall".

Second, ask a friend to lie for me, that we're going to do some last minute huge thing for work.

Third and finally, the last straw would be just to insist that this movie is crud, is absolute bullshit, garbage, and a complete waste of time.

Basically, I'm absolutely adamant that I will not let this shit to get in the way of Resistance 2. No freaking way.

So... what happens when the girl gets in the way with my game?


Simple... I go watch Twilight.

(1. she has close ties with my mom, 2. my asswipe friend told the truth because he's a bloody idiot, 3. the newspapers gave it good reviews, which she inevitably shoved in my face)

And I was right, this movie is absolute crap and a total stinking pile of toxic waste. But at least the girl is cute (upturned noses ftw)



Get a boyfriend to play resistance with you..


yknow i gotta thank littlebigplanet coz at least nowadays we get to play games together sometimes.