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Outside of left-leaning political buffs, and people who "Hate" Stephen Harper (typically without being able to cite any reason why they "Hate" him) I have seen very little support for this coalition. I do think that entering into this coalition will only ensure a Conservative Majority in the next election, which will (probably) be much sooner than the coalition expects.

Back in the day, the PC party and the Reform Party had a combined vote which was very close to the Liberals even though the Liberals won majorities. The people who decided which party formed the government were described as Red-Tories/Blue-Liberals and Stephen Harper has been able to capture these voters in a large part because they believed the Liberals were fiscally conservative and they had a better chance of dealing with Qubec separatists. Creating a coalition with socialists and separatists, giving the separatists 6 senate seats, and running up a $30+ Billion deficit is a deal with the devil for many of these voters and the Liberals will be lucky if they don't get wiped out like the Mulroney Tories in the next election.

There is talk that many Liberal backbenchers are realizing this, and all it would take is one leadership contender (who doesn't want to lead a doomed party) to stand against this coalition for it to fall apart.