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Deviation59 said:
Sony is focused on making the PS3 profitable and that may be at the expense of market share. They've lost enough money on the PS3 that they're simply not interested in losing more just to claim second place this time around.

All they're concerned about is maintaining the PS3 as a healthy and viable platform that attracts third party support and earns the gaming division a profit.


True. But the decisions they make now will effect theif future profits.  That is why they are doing poorly at the moment. All the bone head mistakes of the past has caught up with Sony.  By continuing to lose market share to Nintendo and MS, Sony will be in a bad position in a year from now. They can of course make up ground, but the further behind they are the more difficult it will become, and the PS3 will end up being the least profitable of the 7th generation consoles.  This will make it more difficult for Sony to secure a strong position in the next generation.