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Grey Acumen said:
Rath said:
@Grey Acumen. Well it doesn't appear to be treatable as so far all the treatments have turned out to be shams.

In any case why would you treat it? What is the point of stopping something which is entirely natural and causes no actual harm. It'd remind me of the treatments they used to do to reduce sexuality in young girls - going entirely against nature.

Isn't depression, or ADHD, or autism, or bipolarity entirely natural? Most of those are the result of biological and neuro-chemical differences that occur from genetics after all. They still get treatment, because those conditions are hampering their ability to interact with other people and lead a happy life.

From what you say, homosexuality is a genetic predisposition and from everything I've heard it makes it harder for them to socialize and interact with the rest of society and find happiness. So why shouldn't they have the option? After all, if a gay person actually WANTS to be straight, but can't, why can't we give him or her REAL help in doing that?

I'd rather not get into much of the debate on this issue. I'll just simply say two things:

First, that I disagree fervently with you. I wouldn't go as far as calling you a bigot (which I don't believe you are), but I certainly don't think highly of your attempted justifications for your unacceptance of gay sex. However, I realize that that is your belief so it's absurd to be offended by it. So I apologize if I may sound somewhat condescending, it's just an issue where I find myself incapable of any hint of objectivity.

Secondly, and on a lighter note, your quoted argument is similar to that of Angel's father from X-Men: The Last Stand regarding the cure for mutants. Again, you have my apologies, this time for reminding you of this movie and what a huge disappointment it was.