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1. Never put any points into big guns. You never have enough ammo for them to be viable as a main weapon, making the whole area near useless.

2. On the other hand, you find gobs of small guns, and ammo for them. Small guns are your best friend in Fallout 3, and your most important skill to invest points in. Fallout is a very combat oriented game, and as such, you will need to be able to fight. :)

3. Electronics/lock picks are the second most important skills, imho. However, pick one or the other, getting both is a waste of points, as most doors can be both picked and hacked open. That being said, electronics will get you more than just open doors, and thus is the better choice.

4. Speech is also a very important skill. This can net you greater rewards for quests, more quests, and you can skip some useless sidequsts. I would rank speech right after electronics/lock picking as your third most important skill.

5. Get explosives up to 30, as they will be required right from the start.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce