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The Sony loyalist definition of rape is somewhat lacking as far as I am concerned. When a consoles sales are over eighty percent of its main competitor. That is not good true, but it is hardly a raping it is just selling poorly. Save bad words for bad situations. Lest you end up having to use the biggest words in multiples. So what exactly is Microsoft doing to Sony now. Are they raping Sony to the fifth power. The only way I could visualize that is if Microsoft worked every orifice while Sony was under the influence of a paralytic. That would be truly hellish.

As for the need for this thread. I would say it is counterproductive. Yes the Sony fans going through yet another meltdown is annoying. That is three meltdowns this year mind you. The problem isn't that the meltdowns are occurring. The problem is that the meltdowns are artificially stalled by moderators. We need to let the system fully vent in order to obtain the healthy forum.

The reason this meltdown is so bad is that the previous two meltdowns were stopped before they could eject many disaffected loyalists. That means with each subsequent meltdown you have a greater tinderbox then the last time. Meaning it blows up worse. Eventually your going to have a meltdown that will entirely consume these forums, and you will need to ban two hundred or more users.

Let them vent. Let them get it out of their systems, and give the defectors the opportunity to defect. Yes it may take a week, but once it is done these forums will be healthier. More to the point the consensus can finally be reached. There is nothing to be gained by dragging this process out.