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We may have been the underdogs against the Ravens, but we actually matched up well against them honestly.

In any case I'm not saying the NFL did nothing about, just that like always they protect their image by limiting the story. Smart business practice, but it still annoys the crap out of me. So in all honesty the Ravens kicking the crap out of them fits well.

There really is no way to tell at this point, it was an odd set of circumstances and it fits the MO of the league, hardly conclusive. But given some of the other stuff it makes me wonder and actually I wasn't too disturbed about it until after the the PATs fiasco came out and was promptly smoothed over quietly...or as quietly as they could.


There were a ton of former players who commentate for the league now that were pretty livid about it.  One of the great examples I'd use is Dan Marino.  I remember him being asked on the monday after it came out how big of an impact the tapes were and how much difference they made for the QB..on Monday his response was that it was massive and with that information a good QB could walk all over a defense and that this was a huge issue that was a real problem that needed to be handled.  On Thursday of that week his answer was more of "well it helps a little but the team still has to be good to make it matter" and suddenly it was something that the league should deal with off to the side and shouldn't have too much emphasis placed on it to take away from the rest of the league.

That was a big big turn around and something that always really bothered me about the PATs fiasco.  Especially when you combine it with the occasional news story like this.

To Each Man, Responsibility