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How do you define under the radar exactly? How does three hundred fanatics on these forums screaming the praises for two years solid qualify. How does making just about every single list for two years qualify. How does five thousand honorable mentions qualify. How does every thread about role playing games somehow find this title in the mix.

What exactly must we do to ensure this title gets the recognition it deserves. Shall we toss a hundred virgins into a flaming pit to announce the arrival of god incarnate. I can totally understand where you are coming from. You see it never fails. To get decent service while eating out at a minimum I have to shoot three waitresses with a shotgun. Well that is an exaggeration. One works as long as you put them down right next to the kitchen, and point the fire stick around like a deranged lunatic at the chefs. However that is more self service then real service.

Well at least if you do serve yourself you might as well get a decent tip by performing for the chefs. I find that having sex with the corpse while waving the gun around gets real generous tips, and quite a few more whimpers. I hope you understand I am being sarcastic. I would hate for all of this to go under your radar.

When it comes to this title I sincerely hope it isn't under the radar. I want it flying right through a missile defense screen. So it can be blown out of the sky. Followed be a swift crash and burn phase. Oh with no survivors please. I do not so much hate the title as the fact that I had to read about it non stop for two solid years. Do you know as a matter of decorum doomsday cults do not even bother getting excited about the most holy day until a year before it arrives. What does that say about the people who were talking about this game over two years ago at this point. I say it is a sign that they are seriously depraved, or is it deprived. Well I suppose it does not matter they can be in a class all their own.