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dougsdad0629 said:

overanalysis of weekly sales numbers


Is that not the raison d'etre of this website?

In my (mostly lurking) experience, it seems a lot of people get defensive about comments that weren't necessarily meant to be taken personally. I think there are a large number of users here who, although they may have a strong attachment to a particular console, sincerely recognize and appreaciate the strengths/weaknesses of each competitor's product, and simply want to discuss numbers and how trends this generation are so different from last. Of course, not everyone's "analyses" will agree, and some (many? most?) barely pass (or completely fail to pass) the Laugh Test, so a thick skin, easing of defensive attitudes, and a certain level of maturity are required.

That being said, there certainly are also people who simply want to cheerlead for their own team and do their best to irritate the supporters of other teams. So what? Why let it get under your skin? The console manufacturers are all "big boys" now, and don't need us to stand up for them. Personally, I don't see the point in wasting time and useless energy (frustration, anger, etc.) on the boorish comments of someone I've never even met.

Sometimes, why not just let a comment slide, especially if it is clear that its sole purpose is to provoke you? And, if you must respond, why not try to remain coldly analytical and/or neutral, without getting personal and adding to the cycle?

Nintendo Network ID: ramuji
Wii Friend Code: 8543-1141-9403-8457
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PS3 ID: ramuji_69