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Srs biznz is srs!


Alright guys this is what i got atm =

MGS4,LBP,GT5:Prolouge,Warhawk,Wipeout HD,Motorstorm1,Haze,CoD4,StarWarsTFU,Fifa 08,Assassins Creed,SvR08,FNR 3,Sonic The Hedgehog,HP:TOOTP.


This is what i am getting =

Xmas : Dualshock 3 + PS3 Keyboard ( Those Ugly Ones XD ).

09: GoW 3, GT5, KZ2, Heavy Rain, WKC(MABY), Infamous(Maby).


Ok so now.. I CAN BUY Both games.. BUT!..

I need to buy one game the 6th December ( This saturday ). The next game will be January.

I had in mind to get Resistance 2 for today 6th and Uncharted on Jan... But now i dont know, Uncharted is getting a sequel XD Which probably R2 will too... But still everyone talks about Uncharted and ive played the demo like 10 times now its fun! I also LOVE adventures ( Note: MGS4 Is the best game EVER! ).

I was in the R2 beta it was sweet especially the Co-Op.

So basically im asking : When should i get Uncharted? (December 6th or 1st January?)


Also Uncharted is cheap like hell here like 25€ & R2 is like 60€. But money aint an issue! How ever if i wait R2 might get cheap hmmm... XD. Help?

Also how long is each game? Ive gotten alot of shooters and im even getting KZ2 i might just jump over R2 if i plan to buy Uncharted on Dec. I mean i recently got LBP and i yet havent got enough of MGS4 + MGO... Might just enjoy what i got IF i get Uncharted on Dec..


CoD 4 probably expanded my love for FPS and a while later it crushed it leaving me with God no more FPS its to boring to repetetive kinda.....


For those that have Uncharted and R2. Which was... the best sorta?


Resistance 2 = 9
Uncharted =10