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ESRB rates two new downloadables including one PS2 title

Posted on December 2nd, 2008 at 12:47 EDT

Anyone else growing increasingly tired of Japan receiving the majority of original PlayStation titles on the PlayStation Network? We sure are. That's why we're glad to see the ESRB give ratings to two new downloadable titles from Sony's past. While Medal of Honor is an original PlayStation hit, the second may have some of you raising those eyebrows. No, it's not Final Fantasy VII, get serious. It's Rayman 2: Revolution.

It may not be apparent why this matters, but with Rayman 2: Revolution being a PlayStation 2 release, it opens up the potential possibility that Sony may indeed be planning to bring PS2 titles to its network for downloading. This is something a lot of users have cried out for, and quite frankly, something Sony should do. For fans of either series, this serves as a nice reminder of where your gaming lineage has come from. For others, you'll probably turn a blind eye and move on to greener pastures (Prince of Persia today anyone?).

If and when a release date is given for either title, we'll be sure to keep you updated.


Personally i couldn't care less about rayman, but if this is the start of ps2 games being downloadable, it'll be very cool. And it might also mean the beginning of software simulation for those ps3 owners whose playstation 3 can't play ps2 games (mine can so it has no effect on me, but it's a good idea none the less :) )

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