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I feel like three things are happing this gen:

1) online for consoles has hit maturity ( I know it started with Live and Xbox but I only think that now, with 360 and rapidly maturing PSN is it really established)

2) motion sensing. I actually think its use is weak (even on Wii) but it's definitely there and millions are waggling around their living rooms as proof. I'm sure we'll see its use mature and evolve from this point forward.

3) the first real signs of user created content on consoles (something that has been a staple of PCs for years) with games like LBP and Halo 3 adding the Forge, etc. This is early days yet, but I have high hopes that eventually it'll be core to many games allowing the mod scene to truly come to consoles

4) HD - again, this may be from my roots as a hardcore PC gamer, but the arrival of HD is massive for me. I can give up my M&K for a big couch and TV, but only thanks to the graphics PS3/360 have brought to the scene.

5) A vibrant community (even if it does bloody argue to much about which console is better!). But still, its there and goes hand in hand with 1) above

6) Console as a media centre - again, I'm really pleased to see consoles delivering films, video, internet, music, photos, etc in HD (well, SD for Wii and only photos) right to your TV / Speakers.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...