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BringBackChrono said:
See, even though a gun would've been useful at that time, i find the idea of civilians carrying weapons, on their person, highly disturbing , something which wouldve made me about as uneasy in a shopping mall as the slight fear of a terrorist attack.
Plus, it would be possible for a terrorist to obtain a forged, or even a real gun permit(some of the backward states of India will surely become the hub for this kind of malpractices), which opens a whole new can of worms.

Civilians should be allowed to carry defensive handguns, and protect themselves against tyranny (which may be from the terrorists, mobs roaming the streets rioting, or corrupt police).  If you try to limit gun ownership with strict laws, the most hinderance will be to the law abiding citizens.  The criminal elements (in India as elsewhere) have always had the ability to have guns.  If their ability to intimidate others is checked by retaliation in the form of deadly force from the opposite side, they will think twice before proceeding.  I do draw the line against owning purely offensive weapons like assault rifles and rocket launchers, but having a handgun should be the right of any law abiding citizen.