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arsenicazure said:

"I don't know - Maybe Indians shouldn't be trusted with their own saftey, and left in the hands of their officers. But thank God I'm an American, and live in a state with Concealed Carry laws. Had that of happened where I live, the terrorists would of been shot dead in short order, and many lives would of been saved. Watching the savage attack on TV, and learning that the Jews were tortured to death makes me feel very bad for the fact that Indians, and the foreigners living there, aren't given the chance to defend themselves by the same means the terrorists are allowed to take them."

I find that statement to be slightly well.. racist.. just because you have a gun or a right to carry an arm doesnt make you safe. It in fact makes you more dangerous. If American society was SO SAFE people wouldnt need to own arms to protect themselves in the first place now would they?
A good example of this is canada, its got a similar quality of life, a similar demographic but how often do you hear of a Canadian blowing up his classmates or otherwise.

Its kinda crazy how there are so many serial killers, shootings and gang violence in america. Im not saying the UK or India are immune to this kinda stuff but please fix your house first before you comment on mine. Im glad they dont let every indian carry a gun. God what a tragedy would that be!

Ummm, which races did I demean, again? I mentioned no races. Just nationalities. How is that racist?

And your right - American society isn't safe. Thats why we need the ability to protect ourselves. Feel free to look at laws concerning gun bans in America, and the negative impact they've made on crime rates (DC gun ban is a great case, crime tripled shortly after the ban was implemented).

And again, it comes down to the society, not the weaponry. If you have a smart, armed populace you won't have problems. If you have a dumb, disarmed populace, your still going to have massive problems. Why is it that every Swiss person is conscripted to the army, and owns a gun in their house, yet has some of the lowest crime rate(s) in the world?

In this incedent, in this case, if the camerman had a gun (which he himself wanted), the situation may have ended differently. One of the reasons America has so many shootings - such as the school shootings - is because *gasp* guns aren't allowed at schools! So guess what? If a nut job wants to cause mayhem, and destroy life, the place he will go is where guns aren't allowed. This happens in a society where some places allow concealed carry/gun owners, and others don't. Florida is a great example of this. They allowed more gun rights for people to defend themselves, and crime dropped briskly after the law was enacted. It's a general rule of thumb that criminals don't want to die, so they'll pick targets that are easy. And if a place isn't so easy to commit a crime...They won't do it.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.