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I think a few things stand out....

A) All three consoles have become entertainment mainstays of the living room, and not just the kids' rooms. The Wii is a middle aged person phenomenon by reaching out to the older person who used to not care for games... The PS3 and Blu-ray... XBOX 360 and the social engine that XBOX LIVE has become (and now of course streaming movies via NetFlix). In perspective, this generation has really reached out and gave the usual person who doesn't care for gaming a reason to get a console for the living room (and not just for the kids!)

B) Motion controls (which will no doubt be integrated fully by Sony and MS in the next gen)

C) Games no longer have to be just games... Wii Fit, Brain Age, etc. and they can still sell loads of copies of it, and kids and adults will actually play them.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
