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Dallinor said:
selnor said:

I think Forza will have a bigger impact in NA then EU. It's a bigger seller there.

GT5 won't have any problems against Forza, it's a much bigger franchise. In fact GT5:P outsold Forza 2 in EU, and Forza has been out for over a year longer.

As for hardware sales, Forza 3 will need to be very impressive to pull car fanatics away from GT.

Alan Wake is a new IP and as such we can't judge it's sales. For all we know it could recieve terrible reviews and be a total flop. (I doubt it though, it looks great.)

The unannounced titles could contain a few bombshells, but as things stand at the moment it looks like MS have just had one their strongest (if not the strongest) software showings for a holiday season, and they will be hard pressed to match it in the coming years.

Sadly yes, those titles could indeed slip into 2010.

Forza 3 was heavily bundled in NA for a very long period of time so it's not big as GT anywhere. GT is such as monster of a franchise it will shine no matter what competition it has, the fact that Forza 3 is what MS have to combat GT5 is saying a lot.