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(I tried to keep my ideas consistant in this, but it's a bit of a mess)

Games are a form of art.

Games start off as designs, drawings, paintings and then are developed into 3D/2D representations of that art. The creativity, and work, that went into the original art and design is still there but in it's new, interactive form.

We have music artists. Music is a form of art. Someone has to compose the music for video games. So we have a form of art within the video game.

Films are a form of art. They're moving pictures. Pictures, whether they be painted, or maybe they're drawn, often tell stories. Films tell stories, and they tell them in particular ways. Video Games, now days, often tell stories, or have a message, just like film, art, or music.

Video Games contain several forms of art, as well of being an artform themselves. There are many different ways people can create a video game, with different goals in mind. Some artists might use paints on a canvas, others may use materials to build a sculpture. One team of Developers may use the Unreal 3 Engine and the other CryEngine 2. One game has one art style, a different game has another. Games have the same Genres as film eg. horror, action, fantasy, and they also have their own play styles as well eg. RPG, FPS, RTS, Platformer etc.

So in conclusion, I say Video Games are a form of art, that has other forms of art within it. There's so much effort that goes into video games, and so many directions they can take, that yes, I would say video games are art.