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Sorry if i may sound naive, but i think Wii is a great first choice, or an excellent second choice for many 'hardcore" gamers out there... and will also be the only choice for many "casuals", which explains the actual mass success...

The real choice this gen is between a Wii/PS3 combo, or a Wii/360 combo: the 2 HD consoles fight each other for the same consumer's money with (nearly) the same games, while the Wii offers a real alternative, with way more exclusive games, plus an exclusive control method...

The "shift" the OP is thinkin' of may happen from PS3/360 to Wii just as from Wii to PS3/360... and it's impossible to know the exact numbers of multiple consoles ownership: so, what's the point?

Wii's mass appeal is here to stay, but the market will be viable for ALL the best games on the THREE home consoles: the Wii is not excluding the HD consoles the way the PS2 did with the original Xbox or the GC...

So why can't everyone be happy with the current gen? Why would you like to have three consoles with the same power, the same control method, and the same games? Two is more than enough, and the Wii offers a plus, "something else", at least for the people with an open mind...

Some gamers may find the actual Wii's library too weak, but there's no doubt the quality will improve in the next years... just like with PS2, btw: most of the really GREAT PS2 games were released between 2003 and 2006, and not in the first two years of the console's life... why is it so hard to imagine the same will happen for the Wii, and that the Wii's library will soon have a kind of "universal appeal" for all the kind of gamers out there?

Anyway, i find the so-called "console war" boring, and most of the fanboys arguments pointless... and even if i'm interested in hardware and software sales, i think many people take it way too seriously, and should rather be happy with the choice they have, and all their favorite games...

If you're happy with one console only, that's fine, if you you're happy with two or even three, that's fine: who has the right to judge anyway? HD or SD, does it really matter? We've seen movies for decades in SD: were these movies bad because of this? Some of us play games for more than 30 years now: were all our beloved "classics" totally worthless because they were not in HD? For me, the answer is very easy to find... but to each his own...

My last point: the Wii is a first step in a new direction, a more interactive way of gaming... it's only a first step, it has its hits and misses, but for any "real" gamer out there, that direction is not a bad thing, it's like an old dream which may take 10 or 20 years more to become a reality, once the technology will be there, with a "mass appeal" entry price...

Nintendo tried too hard, too soon with Virtual Boy, and failed... and now they try again with Wii, and have a huge success in their hands... so, let's hope they can build something even better on the Wii's foundation... any "real" gamer should be excited, and not disgusted...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."