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Neoraf said:

Sony Fanboys always say:
Just wait...

"Wait until..."
"Next year its gonna..."
"The future looks good..."
"I CAN'T WAIT to..."

Big difference:
We enjoy the present.
You hope for something to change.

Last year, over the same period, the PS3Fanboys were saying: "Wait till 2008!! It will fuckin be year of the PS3!!! The game lineup is far superior from the competition! PS3 will rule all!"

Same thing year over year.
Get real.

Microsoft brings the goods each time. They don't need to unveil all their games 1 year early, unlike Sony.
Look at Gears2:
Unveiled in February 2008.
Released in November 2008.

It must be painful to be a Sony fan.
Always hoping for a brighter future.

Who says Sony fans aren't enjoying the present? MGS4, LBP, Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2 and Valkyria Chronicles are just as good, if not better than the 360's '08 exclusives.

No wait, they are better. I'd take those games over Gears 2, Fable II, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Banjo any day :>

Also, @ your last post, the PS3 DID enjoy awesome games, commercial success and momentum gain (not a huge one, but compared to previous years....)