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FYI - On the issue of HD consoles having a ~6 attach ratio versus the Wii at a ~5 attach ratio.

The problem here is that the longer someone owns a console the more software they will have and the higher the attach ratio will go for that system. HD consoles combined have, on average, been owned for 24.84% longer than the Wii has. Or specifically, the HD consoles average 59.33 weeks of ownership as of last week while the Wii averages 47.52 weeks of ownership.

Given the average rate of software purchase, this difference of nearly 12 weeks is actually around 1.5 games difference in the corrected attach ratio. In short, attach ratios are not a direct indication of the rate of software sales, they are at best an approximation that is far easier to calculate than a true rate of sales.

To understand why attach ratios are not a rate of sales consider that attach ratio is software divided by hardware and that a rate has to do with time...time being a variable which is missing from that formula.

To Each Man, Responsibility