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SnowWhitesDrug said:

thank you!!!!!!!!! thank you so much! what do you think of the HD gaming market in general if the ps3 were to have a sales drop? Because I'm looking at HD vs SD I was thinking that if the ps3 were to come into play with a lower price would it increase its sales enough to bring the HD side of gaming back to the winning market share, or even stop wii from gaining a 50+% share?



IMO, it will be a long time before the PS3 will drop to a mass market price point, therefore, I don't forsee its marketshare threatening the Wii anytime soon.

The Xbox on the other hand has already reached this price point and this will have a direct effect on PS3 sales more than the Wii, given that they are similar products. This I feel is supported by the sales of both HD formats over recent weeks.

I think the battle is really between the two HD formats, and the Wii is somewhat disconnected from it all, leaving its marketshare unaffected. It offers a somewhat different experience and caters for a different (but much larger) audience.

Finally, the Wii will gain momentum next year with games, motion plus, and if neccesary, a price drop or new sku.