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madkiller said:
Why does anyone bother responding to anything this guy ever says? He has got to be the biggest Sony fanboy that ever lived...


 ur funny. I think that is the first time I recall EVER being called a sony fanboy. I bought a PS3 over 360 for bluray and GT5 (as far the things that pushed me over to PS3... oh ya and RROD). Thats about it, i have no deep running aliance to them. I have always played Nintendo consoles. Usually bought a PS for Square and GT games later in the gen. I guess that just makes me a fanboy. I honestly dont have time anymore to play too many games. I have a Wii for party and Nintendo games, and a PS3 for some HD gaming. There are so many games I do not have the time to play on PSWii, is the only reason I dont own a 360. Trust me, If i was still in HS I would get a 360 for Fable and Gears, and Lost Odessy.... but I dont even have time to play my ps3... I bought the MGS4 Bundle, and have yet to get around to playing MGS....

I am definily not a MS hater, if I am a hater of any products on the market it would be Mac, and the PSP (how can it be i am a sony fanboy)


No, I think what is annoying me, is it seems like in the past 3 weeks or so there have been 3 million 360 fanboys coming out of the closet (so to say). Most of the people attacking me are 360 fanboys who have been in hiding for 2 years or so, now they feel all big and bold... Kinda odd actually. I admit I did not see MS's numbers from last year, but oh well think what you will. I think 360 for the week of BF will be 425-450. For some reason my prediction being 50-75k lower than what you think it is... it is driving you crazy. So be it, it is MY theory I explained it. It makes sense to me now screw off.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut