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nightsurge said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ sevengen

If the $200 Arcade model was the ONLY 360 sku you don't think it would do laps around the PS3 MOSTLY due to it's price + global recession? I said the figures were expected, where was I proven wrong...hmm

I don't think anyone was trying to prove you wrong about the expected sales figures.  I think Infamous mostly wanted you to see that only 50% of the sales were the arcade model (not just opinion or made up numbers, but ones from this website and other news sources) and that the other 50% was the higher priced 360's which still sold more than the total PS3's in others, so you could not merely say the majority of sales were attributed to the $200 price point.  Half the sales could be attributed to it, but half is still not a majority.  I think that is all Infamous was trying to say.  You and Leo-J never combatted that point with sound evidence.  Then it was just a "who gets last word" battle over an argument that never really ended.

Then, again, we cannot reduce ourselves to "If, then" posts.  If the Arcade was the only SKU, it would most likely be different, and include different things.  If hypothetically this same Arcade now, was the only SKU, the sales would be very unpredictable and the console would probably receive much more bad press about not coming with even as much memory as a Wii!  No more "If, then" arguments, please.


nightsurge said:
Sevengen said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ mibuokami

You know what you said backs my original post. Of course, a certain poster, felt the need to attempt to contradict me with “supposed” facts. That was my main point: PS3 sales, as they are, were expected due to it's price. $200 console vs $400 console, in the current economic situation, is much more afforfable, hence, higher sales for the cheaper console, and yes other things factor in as well: Live, Gears 2, Netflix etc. But the price + global recession are mostly responsible for the huge spike in 360 sales. Simple logic can go a long way if folks choose to use it. However, the Wii is a hardware monster in a class by itself, which is great for Nintendo :) Sony can have an even better 09 than 08 - even though Sony did fine in 08 but it will only get better.


....couple pages back, Nightsurge sorta put the screws to ya' when he pointed out that the arcade model only accounted for around half of all sales, which means that the two more expensive versions..obviously...made up for the rest. Those two by themselves still outsold the PS3. Since you didn't respond to Nightsurge, i just thought i'd remind you, as i'd like to hear your answer since the question negates any use of the $200 vs. $400 argument. Also, applying your 'simple logic' assertation, why isn't the Arcade outselling the Wii, regardless of what a monster it is, doesn't your 'simple logic' rule dictate that something cheaper sells more? And... what about 2007, when the economy was far more stable and there were no price cuts to use as bait for discussion.... why did the 360 outsell the PS3 then?

I'd just like to say that I did not point that out to him.  That was Infamous. 

EXACTLY! Finally people who have common sense! I've been gone for hours, only to come on and see CGI mention me around THREE times before you guys even brought that up to him, seriously, do you have to constantly mention me CGI? Rofl.. I'm flattered.

You keep mentioning how I've been "debunked" and never answered your "questions," yet you're lying to yourself as if you're in some sort of fantasy world. Like these guys mentioned, the WHOLE THING was about your $200 vs $400 excuse. THAT WAS IT. I discredited your fanboyism (proved you wrong, since you're desperate to hear those words) by mentioning the valuable source and topics that said only HALF of the 360's sold were arcade models. Meaning 60gigs and Elites made up the other half, meaning it still outsold the PS3 in Others without the help from the $200 arcades, meaning your $200 vs $400 excuse is worthless. Now you're trying to spin it like you're only saying price, in general, is a factor? Nice try. Now other people, like I said, are going to and have been reading our argument and are seeing what I was saying, and how you never combatted it and just spun everything out of proportion for the last word, and you can't accept that? ROFL.

And stop mentioning Leo-J for ease on your behalf, he only came in and lied saying "32 and 60 HOME voice-chat parties" for I don't know what reason, sometimes I see him post out of boredom to rally up people, even if it was apparantly false.

Jesus Christ man, give it up.

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