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Alot is all I know. Already reserved includes these:

1. Madworld
2. House of Dead: Overkill
3. Sonic and the Black Knight
4. The Conduit

Yea with the Sega support. I also plan on buying these:

1. Fatal Frame IV
2. Red Steel 2
3. Sin and Punishment 2
4. Deadly Creatures
5. Cursed Mountain
6. Wii Sports Resort

Of course I'm still looking into a lot of titles but right now 10 is already quite a bit. And hell I don't even know about some Ninty titles to be announced that of coruse I will buy not to mention the next edition of Tiger Woods. Really all I know is its a good thing I didn't have a hell of a lot to buy on Wii this holidays which was 3 games so far and 2 more at the max because I need it for 09 haha.