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Username2324 said:

I never said you were judging the quality based on sales, but so many others are. And yes, Resistance 2 has underperformed most peoples expectations. You want to compare it to Gears 2, well thats simple. Let's look at 360 launches and PS3 launches, you see more people going out and waiting in lines for hours or even days for 360 games than for PS3 games. Does that mean one game is better than the other? No, just that 360 fans tend to be... How should I put it... They tend to be more driven to get the game the second its available. Whereas PS3 fans like to talk about the games, but never really get around to buying them.

It's less about the game, and more about the console owners. VGChartz itself shows that 360 owners buy more games (And obviously has a larger userbase), so you should expect based on those two facts alone that a 360 game will outperform the PS3 one.

It's actually quite funny, when a PS3 game underperforms we get dozens of threads about it, but what about the multiplats that have done better on PS3? How come no one cares about those? In my eyes its quite an accomplishment, 6 million fewer fans and a lower attach ratio yet it manages to out sell its 360 counterpart... Anyways I'm beginning to ramble.


The high profile games get the most discussion. That would include R2 and G2. If there were high profile games that did better on the PS3 we'd probably have many discussions about it. That's just not been the way it's worked out for the most part.