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BringBackChrono said:
The reality is that when an Indian reads this article(like I did), he will get a bit angry, disgusted, all for 5 min and then think nothing more of it. We dont even expect the cops to put their lives on line, or even be useful to us beyond a certain degree.

For those who say these guys are under-paid, these guys are predominantly under-educated and also, corruption provides them with a steady source of income.They are just plain incompetent, and there is no excuse for a police force like that.

For those who say India should have a U.S like pro-gun outlook, are you kidding?
If even a small %age of the population starts legally carrying a gun, the number of murders is gonna shoot up, with people murdering unfaithful spouses, thieving servants, or the kind of school shootings so commonplace in the U.S.These negatives do not get balanced by the ability a citizen might have of self-defense during a terrorist attack.

You know, the US isn't the only country that allows for the personal armmament of ones self. Switzerland says 'hi'.

And if your worried about the possible carnage that would evolve out of owning guns: our rates have been dropping pretty decently for decadaes now. You can look at crime staitsitics in formerly pro-gun nations such as Australia and the United Kingdom and realize that banning guns really didn't help.

American violent crime isn't a result of guns, American violent crime is a result of it's people. Look at crime rates by race, and other factors - there's more to it than 'OMG, America haz violent crimez because of guns!' - Last I checked, some of the worst countries for homicides are South Africa, Colombia and Russia - all of which are 'anti-gun' of some degree.

South Africa, for example does allow it's citizens to own guns if registered - 2.6-3m are registered. Problem is, 98% of all gun related deaths are due to illegal guns....Some laws, hunh?

I don't know - Maybe Indians shouldn't be trusted with their own saftey, and left in the hands of their officers. But thank God I'm an American, and live in a state with Concealed Carry laws. Had that of happened where I live, the terrorists would of been shot dead in short order, and many lives would of been saved. Watching the savage attack on TV, and learning that the Jews were tortured to death makes me feel very bad for the fact that Indians, and the foreigners living there, aren't given the chance to defend themselves by the same means the terrorists are allowed to take them.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.