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bigjon said:
btw- I am a PSWii owner, if these number I am pasting are true is not it worse for the PS3 to have sold like 120-130k than the 360 to have sold around 350k.

Yawn.  We already know Microsoft sold 310k last Thanksgiving weekend.  It improved 25% which makes it around 388k.  That doesn't include the rest of the week in America or Canada.  You should really have some clue of what you're talking about before you make stupid threads like this using misinformation.  There's always somebody who jumps the gun and thinks they've found something nobody else has and makes a thread like this which of course ends up backfiring on them.

I also like how you chastized people for "believing ioi's numbers over official numbers" while you used VGchartz 270k numbers for the week in 2007 instead of official numbers that Microsoft released.  Great researching.  Nobody likes it when people are hypocrites.


Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%