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Groucho said:
Soriku said:
Groucho said:
Soriku said:
Groucho said:
MDMAniac said:
Hawkeye said:

Ps3 dying would be bad for the industry...


No it won't. Less exclusives is better for consumer, multiplatform all the way. Also sony's failure will lead more developers to wii bay, which will eventually benefit everyone and on both ends.


You have that completely backwards.  There's a reason the Wii has so much shovelware.  Demographics.

The demographics for the HD consoles is much more constrained.  If the Wii was it, publishers would no longer be able to target demographics accurately, and since they seek to make lots of money, as opposed to making art that appeals to the "true" gaming crowd, real gaming would get shoveled under the carpet as old news.  Goodbye BioShock, GTA, Fallout, FF13.  Hello WiiPlay, WiiSolitaire, WiiJeweled, WiiSudoku, Licensed this, that, the other crap, etc.

If the Wii reaches a certain level of marketshare, you can kiss old school gaming goodbye.  Its only the fact that PS3+360 contends with the Wii on par, and the fact that porting from one to the other is reasonably cheap, that traditional gaming even still exists.


So apparantely the core games on the Wii don't exist anymore and all that's on the Wii is shovelware? lol oh god.


Not at all.  I'm saying that the producers of video games, unable to target a demographic for maximum attach rate, will always -- and by always I mean without exception (just in case you were uncertain) -- seek to make the most money per unit money spent (i.e. profit the most).  If hardcore gamers became lost in the crowd, the crowd would be the target (as the market continued to grow), not the hardcore.  Understand?



If there wasn't a viable core market on the Wii there'd be no core games to begin with. You act like they sell bad. SSBB is in the millions, NMH is Suda's best selling game, ToS: DotNW is the best selling Tales spin off, etc.

What, exactly, makes you believe those games wouldn't have done better as crossplat HD titles, where you're guaranteed to have a higher target % on your demographic (I would argue that SSBB is very general, and not targetted, though)?  If Nintendo had targetted the traditional demographic with the Wii, do you believe those games would have flopped?



they didn't flop in the gamecube era why would they now, nintendo core it's way on the wii...

but the rest its mainly casual market, for them it's niche.