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Flow said:


Problem is, they take people that should be mowing law or taking trash or delivering newspaper and put them on police. A guy like this have a choice to get some more money on police but, still, he doesn't know what the hell to do with a weapon and he won't risk his life, he's there for the extra dough, that ain't much. It's like building a house on cardboard and complain that cardboard is weak after the house crumbles. Cardboard is still weak, you would do better with it building boxes, but the blame is mostly on the dumb guy who built the house.


Damn, i love comparisons.

OK here is the problem with your analogy.  You don't ask cardboard to be part of a house....cardboard can't tell you that it's not up to the job.  Carboard doesn't intend to fail to do it's job when you select it for the task.  These people did.

These people are to blame for their own actions, there is no escaping that fact.


Well given the information people have reported here I'd have to agree that the US definitely enjoys an extremely competent police force, particularly when compared to India.  What I took exception to was the implication that we, on the whole, don't appreciate their sacrifices.  While I can't speak for everyone I do know that a substantial number of people do appreciate their hard work, even though teenagers and criminals may not. 

Television likes to glorify the negative image that cops have been given and that makes it attractive to the young and the stupid to take up the same ideas, but like many other things teenagers get into..the allure passes and most eventually realize the truth of the matter. 

There are of course other scenarios where the image is perhaps warranted, especially in terms of racism, sexism, and other "isms" that some cops can have and occasionally do bias their decisions and actions.  That's why I said in my post that I could understand some of them hiding and not doing their job, because you can't always have 100% efficiency, that's just unreasonable.



To Each Man, Responsibility