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First off this is a thread for discussion on whether the LBP falls into a niche market, not a flamewar, sales figures can be used, but it is encouraged that any figures used are backed with some sort of intelligent information relating to the OT. I don't want to see "L0L LBP only did so and so numbers" or even "LBP numbers are fine and will do better." The intention is not to discuss the numbers but to take a look at this game and determine whether it falls into a niche market

So to begin, personally I do feel that LBP appeals to a niche market. My reasoning? Simple, people enjoy playing games, however not all people that enjoy playing games enjoy creating games. I fall into this category, I've never been a fan of level editors, level creations, RPG maker etc. I'm the type of person that enjoys completing tasks and not creating them which is why if I ever got a PS3; MGS4, R2, Uncharted, Valkyria Profiles etc. would be at the top of my list to buy.

Of course people will say well than you can buy LBP and wait for better user created levels to come out. To me that destroys the entire point of the game and eliminates a majority of the meat in LBP. The point of LBP is to create levels, that's where gamers that play the game should be spending the majority of their time in the game. Buying the game to not create levels is akin to ordering a steak with A1 sauce and asking for a plate of A1 sauce. Sound appealing?

So there you have it my opinions and guesses on whether LBP appeals to a niche market. What are your thoughts on my ideas, and what are your opinions on the topic?


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-