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Madanial said:
He didn't see press/someone said much about wii and give a complain doesn't mean he's Ninty fanboy, don't jump into conclusion like that Esa-Petteri.

About TC,It's true that not much ppl talk about comparison between Wii-PS3 or Wii-Xbox360.But doesn't mean they didn't care about it too.Many reply already told you why. :)

Hey Thanks :)

Yeah, I didn't expect this thread to go super smooth. It's looking better as I look though the pages.

The point was I noticed two things that were odd. One was the lack of the Wii in any form of disscusion. This is something I've noticed more often as PS3 vs 360 is an appropriate title for this generation. Yes, the Wii has pretty much won, but even last generation the PS2 was in talks. Now, the Wii has been totally excluded. But why?

The other thing is I think the Industry has overshot the consumer. Look at how they talked in the video. Besides Netflix, they talked about all these things they think consumers want, but they really dont (outside of the gaming circles). DLC is the big one. I tlaked to a friend and he thought digital distribution was the way of the gaming future. But last generation people didn't connect online. I wouldn't be surprised if people did the same thing this time around.

In some ways, I feel the indusrty is stumbling down the wrong path.