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CGI-Quality said:
@ Infamous

My argument of $200 vs $400 in a time of an ECONOMIC CRISIS still stands. You haven't changed anything, but like I said: it's all about brownie points with you, sad.

Now it's brownie points? What's next? I thought you were done? Let me copy and paste my original response to you:

"Wow, I don't mean to respond to you in another thread, but face the facts.

It was announced that only around 50% of arcades contributed to these sales. So, if 360 sold 310k, that puts it to 155k ARCADE units sold alone, meaning that 50% which was 60gigs/Elites contributed to these great sales (which, if you've been following up, you would know because 360's are sold out almost everywhere in every SKU save an Elite here and there).

That means that, without $200 arcades, 360 STILL sold more than PS3 in others. Imagine when America pops up..

Point being, please let the "$200 price vs $400" thing go. Obviously price has a factor, OBVIOUSLY (throwing that in here for future flames), but come on now.. NXE, plathora of great games, etc..

And yes, the PS3 is doing well. We know."

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*