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FishyJoe said:
RPG said:
mtofu said:
as a sony fanboy, it's a harsh reality when faced with numbers like these.

whatever sony does next year (gt5/gow3), i doubt they'll cut the distance by very much (optimistically, maybe half?)


A price cut worked for 360, why cant a price cut work for PS3? I just dont see the logic with those kinds of comments, add the huge games coming and that simply increases my amazement of such statements.


This difference is that the PS3 will never be the least expensive. I'm not saying a price cut won't improve sales, but it may not have the same impact.

Well then it comes down to the general public knowing what you get for your buck, PS3 comes with so many more features so it should never be cheaper then the 360. But I disagree here with you, a $100 price cut of a Playstation console IMO would destroy 360 sales. We are at a point where price is the reason the 360 is selling, time will come when PS3 drops in price with all those great games and just dont see what MS can do........besides another price cut. Price is not everything to many though, my friends are simply waiting for GT5 before they pick up there PS3's.