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Why does the idea of a Wii HD threaten people so much, or why does it have to be a "new console", and not merely an upgrade of the existing Wii?

Are people upset that the DSi has a bigger screen than the previous DS models, too?  Or that future DS models might have both screens touch-sensitive?  Mad that Sony increased the frequency cap of 222 MHz to 266 MHz for Ratchet & Clank, and to 333 MHz (the max) on the PSP processor just before the release of the PSP-2000 and God of War PSP?

The early software didn't have the option to use more cycles, or use both touchscreens, etc... yet new software does have that option ("option" being the operative word -- the old DS and PSPs still need to be able to play the games).  Wii games can have the option to increase texture resolution and output display resolution, with a faster GPU/more texture memory... not a big deal.