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dtewi said:
darthdevidem01 said:
I will LOL at people saying PS3 is dead.....when next year at a lower price point GT 5 comes on PS3 in xmas...

Didn't you post a thread saying that you accept PS3's defeat?

Or is this whole 5 Stage thing a cycle and we'll have to endure constant bickering until 2012?



its way too early yet, just look at the price of ps3! anyway people act like the ps3 is going to stay that price forever. if any console is dead it the damn 360 why? cause if you compare them both in the same timeframe, then the 360 is way behind! also 23 million in 3 years? thats a HUGE success but ps3 sales aint? selling much more in the same timeframe! in europe it hasnt even been 2 years yet! it came out march 2007. so people get back down to earth and stop dreaming that the 360 is going to beat the ps3. hell stop dreaming about the 360 even reaching 40 million sold.