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Fernando said:

@DMeisterJ     "Really, what did this add to the thread?"

That innovative products is what most people want.

Okay.  When did I disagree?

And that people knows that the 360, a $300 machine is equally or better in terms of graphics and gameplay than the PS3.

Okay.  When did I disagree?

The only advantage of th PS3 is the integrated Bluray player, and thats not even necesary for gameplay.

That's up for debate, but not the topic so I'll let that go.

And don't say that the PS3 sell less than the Wii or 360 just beause the price. Why? Because people buy Wii's for almost the same price as the PS3 on ebay and other stores.

I don't remember ever saying that.  But the Wii's MSRP is $250 and the PS3's is $400 and 360's is $200.  Price most definitely is a factor.  Not as much as other things, but to say it doesn't matter is stupidly stupid.

And also, according to a lot of people here, the PS3 offers the best value for the money... so, why do you guys want always a bundle with free games, or with free stuff? Isn't the PS3 alone a good value?

It does offer good value for the money.  A gaming machine and BD player for 400 bucks is pretty good.  Who is this "you guys"?  Oh, Sony Fanboys eh?   Lumping every person who owns a PS3 into the category?  This is where you fail Fernando.  Your blind Nintendo love does not allow you to see that not every person that thinks you make stupid comments is a fanboy.  When have I ever said that PS3 needs a bundle with a game to be a good value?  Please post the link to my post with that.  In the future, please do not lump the idealogy of one Sony fan to another.

Guess what... peoplke don't see the value on the PS3... thats why people is always waiting for bundles, price cuts, free controllers, PSN game vouchers, free movies, etc.

Well, it looks like over 17 million people have seen the value in the PS3 to date.  People don't always wait for bundles or price cuts, as it sold a million or two in America pre-price cut.  And it hasn't even had a price cut in EU yet, IIRC, so seven million sales there have been without a price cut too.  And no one is waiting for a PSN game to buy a system.  Or a free movie.  Please show proof?

Again, your post makes no sense because you don't even bother to back up the stupid statements with facts.  Please in the future think before pressing the post button.  Your obvious Nintendo love ruins any credibility you could have since you are utterly incorrect on almost all counts.

See my notes in bold.