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Sqrl said:
Incandescence said:
BringBackChrono said:
K guys, im an Indian, and i can vouch for the police's incompetence.
Mumbai police is good at nabbing thieves or pick pockets, but terrorists? Hell no.
These guys probably werent even trained enough to believe they could hit the terrorists even if they shot as the lower level patrol men dont undergo any kind of training( physical or fire-arms)
Indian police is worthless, trust me, this isnt the worst thing ive seen them do


Seconded. Word of advice from a friend: In India, you gotta know how to fend for your own ass, because it'll be hours before any viable help comes after you make a call, and even then, they may be unreliable. Just goes to show how much better the US police are and how ungrateful most US citizens are.

You might have an argument that we take it for granted, but to say we are ungrateful is a statement made from ignorance and it's pretty insulting as well.

To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what point you were trying to make =P Was it that Indian police are terrible all the time and therefore this is acceptable? That seems pretty ridiculous to me.

I'll take your word on it that the Indian police are miserable at doing their job, but then that makes this even worse, not better.  It means their cowardice goes beyond just freezing in a tough spot all the way to just generally being useless all the time. It sounds like you might even agree with that....and if so, why not just call this what it is instead of turning this into an issue about Americans...are you saying that only Americans have high standards/expectations for their policemen?  That's as silly as saying we are ungrateful for what they do, lots of peoples have high standards/expectations for their law enforcement officials.

Look I'm not begrudging 1 or 2 people freezing up, that's to be expected, but the entire lot of them?  Unless they had orders to stand down, it's patently ridiculous regardless of training, regardless of the AK-47's the bad guys were using, and regardless of any other excsuses that you want to toss out for them. 

Plain and simple, their behavior was a pathetic disgrace that cost innocent men, women, and children their lives.  The fact that anyone even wants to defend that is simply mindboggling to me.  And if you aren't trying to defend it then please just say that.


I wasn't trying to defend their behavior. I was just making a comparison between situations like this in the US and India. Where the former gets useful police, the latter gets close to none as you can see in the news, and it's because of this that you have to fend for yourself and I'm female. My friend's house was robbed, and it took three hours for police to come, and when they saw that all was said and done, they just got up and left.

The ungrateful part is directed toward the fact that most US citizens, especially teenagers, give police officers a bad image or view them in a bad way despite all they do for us and how much better they are than Indian police, or any other police for that matter. In this way, we really take our police for granted.

Sorry if I wasn't clear on that, my gender, or my post.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™