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bdbdbd said:
@Comrade Tovya: Yeah, it has been. I believe it was Pachter to be the first to throw the number in (which i believe was the year, when the current manufacturing contracts end). My best bet for Wiis successor to come out is 2012 for three reasons: Iwata stated this year, that it may take four years until Wii sees a pricecut, Iwata stated earlier that Nintendo isn't sticking to 5 years cycle and i believe M$ opens the gen in 2011. Despite Nintendo wanting the competitors to come out earlier, they don't want to give too much headstart for them.


Yeah, seems like practical reasoning.  Sony & MS should be the first out of the gate, and I have a good feeling that MS will be first.  Now whether that's a poor or smart decision remains to be seen.  My best guess would probablly be Nov 2011 for MS, May 2012 for Sony, and Nov 2012 for Nintendo.  But then again, a lot can happen in 3 years.... so I reserve the right to change my mind ;)


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
