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Platform: PS2 (Still JRPG King)
Release Date:
USA - Dec. 09, 2008
Pre-order Bonus:
100 pg. Artbook

Available at Gamestop and Amazon

Amazon Exclusive: Persona 4 Social Link Expansion Pack

Includes: Persona 4 soundtrack 'side B', T-shirt feat. Persona Konohana Sakuya, 2009 calendar, and 8.5 in. Teddie plush.


The Protagonist

Yosuke Hanamura

Chie Satonaka

Yukiko Amagi

Kanji Tatsumi

Rise Kujikawa

Naoto Shirogane



Shortly after an urban youth begins a year-long stay in the countryside town of Inaba, the rural towns peace is shattered by a horrific murder that leaves no clues or suspects. As the lone incident develops into a series of bizarre crimes, he discovers that only he and his friends have the power to solve the baffling case, bring those responsible to justice, and restore harmony to his new home.


USA Announcement Trailer

Persona 4 Official USA Trailer


1UP review: A+/A+

But before that gaming holy war breaks out in earnest, here's something everyone can agree on: Persona offers some of this decade's finest RPG epics. If you're a role-playing freak who somehow still hasn't given this series a shot, I got news for ya, buddy: I'm comin' to take your nerd card.

Gamepro review: 5/5

THE BOTTOM LINE: An expansive and engaging experience, Persona 4 is quirky, original, and innovative enough to set it apart from an army of mediocre RPGs. With an amazing cast of characters and fantastical game world, P4 is an experience any role playing aficionado shouldn't miss!

Gamervision review:10/10

It’s a shame that this game will probably not get the recognition it deserves, because Persona 4 is really an outstanding achievement in gaming. There’s no question that this is going to be one of my top games of the year, and any fan of JRPGs should be playing it when it’s released next week. I don’t know why Atlus decided to stick with the PS2, but honestly, I really don’t care. Despite not having the graphics of a current-generation title, Persona 4 is easily better than many games released on the 360 or PS3 this year. It’s also incredibly lengthy and replayable, and at $40, there’s hardly a reason not to buy it. It’s not for everyone, but those who have enjoyed MegTen games in the past are in for a real treat, yet again. I never expected this game to become as much of an obsession as the previous Persona did, but it’s hard not to get sucked in to Persona 4.

Thunderbolt review: 10/10

Look, folks. If you have any interest in RPGs, you need to play Persona 4. Period. It’s one of the best titles available on the PS2. In fact, it just might be the console's swan song. It’s a worthy sequel to Persona 3; it takes all of the things that made that game kick ass, and improves upon it. The revamped battle system offers more options and strategy than ever before.

Wired review: 10/10

Persona 4 is RPG perfection.

Destructoid review: 10/10

The protagonist being sucked into a television is a pretty good representation of what happens to gamers when they play Persona 4. This beautifully crafted story manages to draw you in from the get go, and the exceptional script, acting, and pacing do the rest. Before you know it, you're playing a game you can't put down, fully immersed in a story you can't get out of your head. It's definitely long, but never boring, and a hell of a lot of game for $40. And series fans, this is your dream game.

Gamertell Review: 99/100

When people look back and wonder what the last great PS2 game was, Persona 4 will undoubtedly spring to mind. It is a fitting way to celebrate the long life of the PS2 and the many wonderful RPGs that have graced the system. It is simply a phenomenal and alluring title with hours of gameplay and replay value and a stylish presentation. Kudos to Atlus for creating such an interactive and likable game.

Hardcore Gamer review: 4.75/5

"Persona 4 is a very long and involved game that never seems to drag. With multiple difficulty levels, and the option to start a New Game+ to carry some data over to consecutive play-throughs to find even more secrets, the game can suck away a lot of your time. Atlus has really created something special with Persona 4, because it still maintains the freshness of Persona 3, while also being different and in many ways superior. Since Persona 4 is being offered at a budget price on the Playstation 2, there is no excuse for missing this game."

RPGFan import review: 94/100

Atlus is one company that has never settled for such complacency. Among the cookie-cutter sequels and half-hearted remakes, Persona 4 is a near flawless example of the perfect balance between "falling back on what works" and "pushing the genre forward." That said, I wholeheartedly recommend it as one of the best RPG experiences of the year.

IGN review: 9/10

A significant improvement over the previous Persona games in many ways, Persona 4 provides a deeper dungeon crawling/social link experience that makes it engaging to play. Everything from the battle system and the dungeons that you fight through to the social links you develop and friend interaction that you do on your "off hours" has been radically improved in this game. While the pacing can be somewhat off, and some things feel repurposed or unaffected from previous games, Persona 4 really is an evolution of the RPG series, and an instant classic. Tie this in with a large number of bonus items included with the game, like the soundtrack CD which you may find yourself listening to in-between game or New Game + sessions, and you'll find this to be a great game that is rounding out the year on the venerable PS2.

Gamesradar review: 9/10

Graphically, P4 is a very good-looking PS2 game. It understands its limitations very well, and its unique art design works within them. Full of lush colors, fully animated cutscenes and a catchy soundtrack, it's got some very stylish touches. If you don't want a heaping pile of Japanese culture, or don't like an odd or off-putting story, then maybe you should stay away. Otherwise, Persona 4 is a superb (if long) RPG, and probably the last great PS2 game.

Gamespot review: 9/10

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is an excellent sequel that builds upon an already successful formula by improving it in nearly every way. With a down-to-earth cast of likable characters, an intriguing story further realizes its cast by highlighting their psychological complexities and making them seem that much more real, and an engaging and fun combat system, it's sure to keep your attention for the duration. Whether you're a fan of the dark and bizarre Shin Megami Tensei series or a first time shadow fighter, Persona 4 is a superb role-playing adventure with something to offer to everyone.

Gamecritics review: 9/10

With those issues in mind, the fact remains that Persona 4's mechanics are ingenious, the characters are well-written and engaging, the voice work and music are top-quality, the art is beautifully stylish, and its basis in a real-world setting manages to avoid the usual genre clichés. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is a true gamer's game. Atlus has outdone themselves again and proved that they are at the leading edge of role-playing. As far as I'm concerned, Persona 4 is the JRPG must-play of the year

Gamerzone review: 8.7/10

If it had to be said, Persona 4 is among the best RPGs on the PlayStation 2 in many years. The overall package is fantastic with a mysterious storyline – which is well put together – and an incredible technical department due to the soundtrack. I do hope that the same dedication is put into the next-generation of consoles when the developers finally make the leap since Japanese-oriented RPGs look to be on the decline the past few years if you exclude the PlayStation 2.

X-Play review: 4/5

Aside from some minor quibbles, it’s beautifully made – an addictive game, an involving story, and a gorgeous piece of artwork all at once. While not perfect, Persona 4 is one of this year’s best RPG and another example of how even old hardware can still run some of the best games.