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Why could the person writing something like that not at least TRY to get it right.

"The top three Wii games--"Wii Play," "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" and "Super Mario Galaxy"--are all Nintendo's own titles, ..."

Gah! Do at least a bit of research before spouting nonsense. This coupled with the previously spotted mistakes (Wii released 3 years ago! PS3 at $300!) really makes me mistrust anything the article has to say. I mean, it's not like it's hard to confirm these things, is it? It's called research.

EDIT: Another gem.
"Sony's PlayStation 3, with 13 million units in users' living rooms, and Microsoft's Xbox 360, with 23 million units." Uhm? Wat? Isn't the PS3 a bit too low here?

And while it's stated that america has 43 million PS2, and VGChartz says 49 million, I'm going to give the autor the benefit of doubt on that one. That might have come from different sources, I'm not really knowledgeble about the PS2 sales.

This is invisible text!