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SamuelRSmith said:
fulcizombie said:
SamuelRSmith said:
fulcizombie said:


Maybe these sony games didn't actually sell that much ? Crazy , i know, since sony games seem to sell like crazy when they have dropped off the software charts of every country in the world but stil....


 Sorry... what the fuck are you talking about?

< sony-published game launches -> game has terrible first month sales -> game dissappears from every software chart in the world -> game magically sells millions of copies after a few months WITHOUT EVER APEARRING IN A SOFTWARE CHART AGAIN!! nintendo's wii games have legs ,sony's ps3 games do not.


 I still don't get what you're saying, but I think you've got the idea of sales mixed up. Games don't just disappear of the charts and suddenly sell millions, they slowly sell a few thousand units a week... which build up to higher sales.... like, I dunno, a cross-country runner.


You know, the people with good legs.

I thought it was more like a super model, with legs that go on for ever.