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Being able to see the night at some point would be a nice start. Also not whoring out their producer to promote the game entirely through her looks would also be a nice show of respect to us and indeed to her.

More ninjas, more variety in missions, combat that doesn't lick balls (although the dagger throwing was sweet, more of that). Stealth elements that actually work when in a main mission. I spend at least an hour working my way around the roofs of a castle, not being caught by anyone to get to the main target and as soon as I landed in the building he was found in, ALL the guards suddenly are both aware and within 20 feet of me. If the whole game is build around this pointlessly repetitive wash rinse and repeat "do x amount of stupid tasks so you can use your stealth to er...get spotted no matter where you go and battle about 50 cut and paste guards" thing.

A great premise ruined by UNBELIEVABLY repetitive crap. The unfortunate side effect of people following the sandbox subgenre, it leads to devs padding the games out with find these flags or talk to 30 dudes about the same thing.

Will you teach me to football?