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Art is subjective. There is no certainty implied in the definition, because honestly, what one persons sees as art another will not see as art at all. The most popular solution to this is that of pseudo-elitist groups and institutions defining given objects as art, but as with all pseudo-elitists, their efforts are accepted almost exclusively by their groups and not by the mainstream.

Now if you look at "art" in quantitative terms instead of the slippery slope of qualitative, then "art" is defined by that which has the most impact on the largest number of people. In video games, that would be the games which have sold the most. You have to remember, when using this definition, that there is absolutely NO consideration for standards of "quality", only for sheer numbers of copies in circulation. The quantitative definition of "art" is mainstream-accurate, while the myriad qualitative definitions are antimainstream-accurate.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.