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Gah... couldn't spell magnavox odyssey.

I got to 31 (32 with the Odyssey) before I needed help.... and 38 with help (4 minutes to find 30+ consoles is hard)

Before I searched for them, I couldn't recall the exact name of the Virtual Boy and had missed off these:

Ones I got to attain 38 instead of 31:
Fairchild channel F (never heard of)
Atari 7800 (Forgot)
Atari Lynx (Forgot)
CDi (Stupidly forgot)
3DO (Stupidly forgot)
Sega Nomad (think I had heard of before, but not sure)
Atari Flashback (Never heard of it)

Ones I didn't, but should have got:
Magnavox Odyssey (couldn't spell)
Mag Od ^2 (same as mag od)
Coleco telstar (knew there was another coleco but couldn't recall it)
Game and Watch (I thought these were single game only systems so didn not count them)
Vectrex (forgot)
Amiga (forgot)
Gizmondo (forgot)

The rest I have never heard of.