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Japanese SE sales are down a lot, but abroad sales will be much higher than last year I believe. Many of their Japan 2007 titles were released this year in Europe or both Europe and America and more are yet to be published worldwide this year (don´t forget Re: KH: CoM among these). And SE wants to achieve a bigger ratio per year in America and Europe. Now, that doesn´t mean they should lower their Japanese sales, but if you´ve been following SE sales in Japan and worldwide like me you´ll note that one year they have high sales in Japan and low ones abroad and vice versa the next year. That´s due to various reasons, like main DQ and main FF coming one year in Japan and only the next year abroad.

Anyway, SE becomes more and more healthy and has more and more cash to spend year per year and they seem to be in the transition where they get rid of their traditional, overprotective management that was settled after the merger for survival reasons and move to the former wide, creative self of Squaresoft. The least they´ll do is listen to angry gamers and fanboys. What you people doing here is destructive criticism. There´s no sane company out there that caters to angry mobs and fanboys, unless they want their downfall. Squaresoft learned its lesson once, no way they are going to listen to you guys again.