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@Waka how far along until you get 15 units and do you know if you get more? (you can spoil it for me the game story isn't going to interest me). Also I agree curses in this game are ridiculous! My party wiped one time from the cursing turkey quest near the beginning of the game. I tried it again and got lucky so I didn't wipe, but the first time the Turkey cursed 2 out of 3 of my Unions when I was allowed 3 unions and 9 units total.

I had no idea what the hell curse did, and I didn't have the skill to even cure it, so I just kept my union to attack. The second the round begins for those two unions each leader falls from the curse and the soldiers in each union become unusable. This is the beginning of the game and I had no idea this could even happen until after it occurs a little tutorial comes out telling you basically that union is screwed and so are you. The second time I try it with 12 units the turkey curses and only one soldier falls. This kind of stuff pisses me off, why are battle results so random and luck dependent?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-