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First paragraph:  HD is a term many people like to throw around without really knowing what it means.  I think it is funny that people throw around HD like it is the Holy Grail and is the only thing that matters (note that PC's have had "HD" for quite a while).  Wii HD would suck unless they up the horsepower of thier console.  The reason is because the higher definition the game goes, the more apparent graphical flaws are.  You may note that not too many Xbox360 games are 1080i, probably for the same reason.  It seems that HD won't become mainstream until next generation, at which time Nintendo will probably jump on the bandwagon.

Second paragraph:  The console war has been around since Nintendo and Sega have been fighting.  People, even back then, were arguing about which console had the better graphics.  I believe that, even though Nintendo had the technically weaker consoles, they still sold more and is known as the winners of the NES and SNES generations.  Also, Sega had the more "mature" mascot Sonic the Hedgehog to compete with the fat plumber.  Also, I agree that video games are a business.  One of the reasons that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have been around so long is because of good business practices.  The reason the dreamcast failed is because of bad business practices.

Third paragraph: DLC is big; I think the history of PC games would prove this.  Half Life was big because of DLC, and PC gamers nowadays expect it.  Having netflix on consoles sounds like a good idea.  However: 1) It is new and hasn't been fully accepted yet, 2) It is not an part of gaming like DLC is 3) a spare computer can send high definition netflix to a TV also.  Therefore, DLC is more important.

Also, trophies/achievements and the like are great if implemented properly.  People do play games to have fun.  For some people, part of that fun is the challenge.  For example, the LOZ: twilight princess would be a lot more fun if it was harder.  Also, as replay value goes, the only way to make a second playthrough interesting is to play a "no death" run (tried it, wasn't hard but I killed myself jumping in lava ) .  What would make it better is if there was an achievements such as no death, beat challenge cave twice, aquired all hearts, etc.  Then I can show my friends how good of a gamer/nerd I am.  However, I am against pointless achievements such as kill 500 [place generic enemy here].

Fourth paragraph: You say that Nintendo online is not annoying, but it is.  My limited experience tells me this: 1) I have to enter a long code to play with my friends...annoying. 2) I cannot chat with people...annoying. 3) SSBB was very laggy...annoying.  I am not a big online player, so it doesn't bother me much.  However, Nintendo should stop trying to babysit children and let the parents take over.

I agree with you that analysts and critics typically do not know what they are talking about.  Nintendo has told them what they are doing that is making them so successful, but people who are trying to take advantage of it just keep shoveling out crap.