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NJ5 said:
Comrade Tovya said:
NJ5 said:

You're shooting bullets in all the directions, I was just looking for a clear reason to put the Wii in another category. I take it from your latest post that you gave up on the "time spent playing" and "software sold ratio" angles, so your point is that Nintendo's and 3rd parties decisions put it in another category?

Show me a single declaration from Nintendo which says that hardcore gamers aren't targeted by the Wii. Show me something concrete which supports your statements.



"I think our two competitors will trade share between them, while we go off and grab share in a completely different way."

"Our focus is interactive game play, a whole new way to play, that puts fun back into this business. It allows everybody to pick up and play and isn't focused on the core gamer."


-Reginald Fils-Aime, President Nintendo of America



That doesn't say they don't target the core gamer, it just says they don't focus on the core gamer. I'd recommend looking at Wii's launch titles for a start. There's something for everyone, just as with present and announced titles for the future.

On the other hand, there are several  3rd parties which are practically not targeting the core gamer.

PS: I could post a dozen quotes from Reggie or otherwise saying they target the core gamer, but I'm guessing you know they exist so I won't bother.



I just think your debating the wrong person. I'm no Wii hater.  I just want more quality titles for it.  I have bought every Nintendo console to date, so I'm a huge fan of the company.

I also think that Nintendo needs to focus on their "quality guarantee".   I bought that game "M&M Kart Racing" and it has to be one of the trashiest games I have ever played on any console.  And that's just one example.

The concept of the Wii is completely fantastic, and I've loved that concept since day one (that's why I bought it).  I'm just upset that they haven't developed better titles.  I swear it reminds me of their N64 plan... create a new console that it great on paper, but doesn't equate to better games... because they aren't releasing them.

Considering the number one game I play on it is Super Mario Bros. 3, there is just something not right.  Yes, there have been a few pretty cool releases, but for a console that has saturated almost half of all game playing households, it's just not enough.  Nintendo needs to focus on sustainability... give us at least a title or two a month that are must buys.



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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
